Choral Guild 2008

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Gospel

I have always wanted to conduct the full Gospel Mass by Robert Ray since I sang it at a summer conference a few summers ago. The piece has great energy and vitality, and you can't help but put your whole self into the music. Tonight will be the second regular rehearsal for the Choral Guild, and since we won't be having rehearsal next week for Labor Day, I hope to sing as much of the concert music as is possible. We got through most of the spirituals last week, so tonight will be a mix of everything. Several new singers have come to audition for the group, and I am always intrigued by people in general - their backgrounds, what they do for a living, how music is an important part of their lives, why they are living here in Atlanta, the list goes on and on. It's gratifying to be involved in something that people from all walks of life can engage in together. Even though we have begun rehearsals a week or so earlier than what the group is used to, I hope we will soon have our full, balanced ensemble at each rehearsal. I have a few ideas for soloists for the Mass, and any one of them could add so much to the performance. It will be interesting to see how it all comes together. Here's to a great rehearsal tonight!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Singing in the summer

I still feel like it's summer. It's sweltering hot (I know, I'm a Yankee!), none of my church choirs have yet returned to rehearsal, the neighborhood pool is still open, I haven't seen some of my friends in weeks (on vacations), and people are in general relaxed and enjoying life. Even so, this Saturday is the second annual Summer Sing - see, I told you it was still summer! - with the choral group I direct, the Choral Guild of Atlanta. I enjoy this group of singers from all walks of life who find a way out of their busy schedules each week to come sing together music that they love. It will be interesting to see who will be here on Saturday as rehearsals have not yet officially begun and everyone has been inviting whoever they know to join us for this event. I'm sensing excitement and anticipation from several people that this will be a great season, and I have to agree. I didn't know quite what to expect this time last year from just attending board meetings, interviews and only knowing a few of the members. Now that I've been a part of things for a year, this group really has heart and is a lot of fun. We're planning to sing the Vivaldi Gloria and the Schubert Mass in G which are both works singers love to sing. I remember singing at least movements of both these pieces all the way back to Honors' Chorus in high school and loving the music ever since. I plan on keeping it loose and easy on Saturday, meeting lots of new people and hearing these classic works sung once again. Even though it's still summer - really, I insist! - I look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday. Here are particulars in case you don't know:

Saturday, August 14, 2010
10am to Noon

1978 Mt. Vernon Rd
Dunwoody, Georgia 30338

Mass in G - Schubert
Gloria - Vivaldi
Conductor: Clair Maxwell

No audition required - just your voice and enthusiasm!
Please RSVP by e-mail response or calling (770) 845-8941.

Please bring your own copies of the music if you have them - there will be some copies available.
Light refreshments will be served.